Meghana Sardar Kenjale

Meghana, a young dhrupad singer and disciple of Uday Bhawalkar, discusses the importance of deep presence, concentration, and self-forgetfulness in becoming one with the sound. Meghana also explains how practicing repetition brings deeper meaning to the music and how the abstract syllables of alaap contribute to the universality of expression beyond language.

Meghana highlights the value of artistic individuality and diversity of viewpoints in dhrupad. She emphasizes the liberating quality of this music and its value to the community of artists and listeners.

Meghana concludes with a soulful alaap in Raga Bhupali and the bandish "Tuhi Surya, Tuhi Chanda" by Uday Bhalwalkar, from her home residence in Pune.

Meghana's Instagram:


Bahauddin Dagar (pt. 2)


Bahauddin Dagar (pt. 1)